
#5 CheapVPS

#5 CheapVPS

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(42 votes, average: 3.64 out of 5)
Name CheapVPS
Website cheapvps.co
Starter Package Price 15$
Basic Package Price 7$
RAM for Starter Package 1Gb
Pre-Installed MT
Operating system Windows
Free Trial
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#5 CheapVPS Review

CheapVPS is a forex vps hosting provider founded in 2012. They offer Windows based servers, as they promise 99.99% uptime power to their virtual servers. If they fail to deliver this, they will credit amount for their service time unavailable.

They are trying to create the fastest SSD-Only Cloud technology to help your trading. They offer high-performance SSD Hard Drives, flexible API and also will select the nearest data center location, so your connection will be always good. Tier-1 Bandwidth, that means all of their servers will provide 1gb/sec network interface, so with them you can trade at anytime from anywhere.You can trade with CheapVPS via Mobile, Tablet, Laptop, Desktop, as they offer various OS options such as windows 2008 and windows 2012 virtual desktop.

The most popular Pro VPS plan is with the following details: 2 GB memory RAM, 2 Core CPU, 40 GB disk and also 1TB bandwidth. This plan will be very comfortable for everyone, don’t forget that you can use payments options for deposit such as Paypal and Skrill. You must read CheapVPS terms before to buy their vps service plan. It is very important to know everything before buying.

CheapVPS accept everyone and give them powerful control panel, where you can make changes and to follow your web hosting characteristics. It is not needed time for installation, you can use your vps instantly. They promise 100% satisfaction and offer risk free with live support, if you have any questions or need help.


CheapVPS  Account Types: 

account vps types cheap

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