
#2 News Calendar indicator

#2 News Calendar indicator

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(53 votes, average: 4.11 out of 5)
Name NewsOnChart
Website profitf.com
Platform MetaTrader
Developer Other
Price 87 $
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Economic Calendar Indicator for MT4

News calendar indicator for MT4

MT4 news release indicator Screenshot

NewsOnChart (News Calendar) is a helpful tool for traders that displays economic news on MT4 chart. And automatically updates every economic news in Real time. Note: Formally it’s Expert Advisor. But it works as info-indicator. Economic news greatly influences the market. It’s very important part of trading. So every professional trader should take into consideration news when trading before news. This “NewsCalendar” will help you trade profitable.


With this “NewsOnChart tool” you can choose what types of News will be displayed on MT4 chart.

High, Medium, Low impact news:

news calendar high-medium-low news

High, Medium impact news:

news calendar high-medium news

High impact news:

news calendar high news

List of forex currencies (by countries) is customizable:

shows diffirent pairs news

Screenshot of “News Calendar” settings 

This News Calendar indicator has built-in Alert (customizable parametr)

news release indicator with alert

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